Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Olivia is a crack up. I don't know where she comes up with the things she does, but her imagination amazes me. Here are some examples:

She got a hold of the tape at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I don't know how this started, but she even had Grandma's mouth taped shut. It was so funny to watch her try to see through the tape to walk! She is such a goofball!!!

She found this dress in Grandma's closet and about had a heart attack to see something she could actually use as a wedding dress! She asked Grandma to make her a wedding dress out of it so she could "get married" to the prince. Of course Grandma did it for her, and then some, with the bouquet and everything! Unfortunately, the only prince Olivia could find was Grandma! She even lays on the couch and pretends to be "dead" and her prince has to kiss her so she can wake up. What a little actress!!!

1 comment:

The Ingebretsen's... said...

Too bad she didn't have Emery there to be a prince! :) The other day Emery asked me if he could wear a skirt that spins. I was wondering where he got that from!